Spring Curls

Hello Spring!  it’s here again .  Whats your favorite  spring hairstyle ? Is it a fun new hair color ? or maybe a new haircut . Ladies don’t be afraid to try a bold hair color, or short sassy cut. Today our lovely client was set with rods . Our client doesn’t have a relaxer.  Our first step to achieving this style was a clean head of hair.  It is vital to always start with a clean pallet . When shampooing make sure you manipulate the scalp to stimulate growth . Proper conditioning is just as important as the shampoo, whether moisturizing, protein, or both.  A leave in conditioner is  always a good idea to help protect the hair from tools used to achieve the desired style. Our client also has random highlights as well as color on the tips of her hair . The color adds a little spice to the set. This style will last about two weeks with proper care.  Its always a pleasure to chat hair with you. Please comment, share, or ask any questions you may have. Until the next time .

Stay Fabulous

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